Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Charcoal Statue

This is a charcoal drawing. First I saw a sculpture in the Tate Modern called Large Tragic Head by Jean Fautrier. I did a pencil drawing of it. The I came back and drew the shape of the head big using charcoal. I did 4 drawings trying to develop the design. This is the third.

Colden Bleu

I have drawn an actor from Highschool Musical in felt tip. I like the way I did the hair!

Alex on a Ship

This is a picture of my friend Alex. I used acrylic paint. I started by mixing the cream colour for the face and neck. The colour is lighter where the sun is reflected in his face. I used different shades. Then I did the hair and outline in greyish black. I made that with blue, red and yellow. The background is like the ocean. I looked at a painting by Picasso called Self-Portrait, 1907. I like the lines that make the face stand out of the background.

A Drawing of a man standing near the city on a building.

  • This man is the King of the city That's why he is on top of the tallest building. I did this drawing in pencil and used shading. It's based on a photograph I saw at the National Portrait Gallery.